DISC PRofiles For Couples

Includes a FREE combination report. Understand how you and your spouse behave and what motivates you. Learn how to adapt and connect in a deeply satisfying way.

DISC For Couples

Includes DISC Behavioural Preference Profile for each spouse + 12 Driving Forces (Motivators) Report for each spouse + Free Combination Report + Conference Call Debrief

Disc Profiles for individuals

Find out how you prefer to communicate and interact with people and understand how you are uniquely motivated in both life and work.

DISC For Individuals

Includes DISC Behavioural Preference Profile + 12 Driving Forces (Motivators) Report + Conference Call Debrief

DISC Profile

DISC is the most widely used behavioral assessment tool, measuring four behavioral styles: dominance, influence, steadiness and compliance.  DISC measures how a person behaves. 

Understand your preferred style of communicating and interacting with people:

  • How you respond to problems and challenges.

  • How you influence others to your point of view.

  • How you respond to the pace of the environment.

  • How you respond to rules and procedures set by others.

12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) Report

This report unlocks the why behind an individual’s actions, showcasing what drives their behavior.  12 Driving Forces reveals how each individual is uniquely motivated in both life and work.  

Combination Report

The combination report addresses behaviors, driving forces and the integration of these. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses each person possesses leads to both personal development and a much higher level of satisfaction for the couple.